Consultants. Advisors. Partners.


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What we do.

  • Safety.

    Australis Aviation specializes in business aviation safety consulting and auditing. Given our firm’s operational background, this subject area is truly our bread and butter. We are well-suited and prepared to meet whatever your safety needs may be, from SMS implementation to performing a wide range of custom or regulatory audits. We are proud partners with IBAC and approved to conduct IS-BAO audits.

  • Strategy.

    Big picture thinkers - that’s who we are and we love the chance to help others optimize and better paint their own “big picture.” Australis Aviation can perform detailed travel analysis in the pursuit of gaining insight to optimal business aviation solutions…and figure out how to make it all happen. No snags. No seems. Delivered to your doorstep.

  • Bespoke.

    More than anything, we love to get to know our clients as people and, more specifically, the challenges they face. Australis Aviation is prepared to tailor our consulting to meet any need for which the end client may request, be that providing management company oversight/audit, forensic logbook reviews or custom reporting. We are in the results business.


We’re always looking for new opportunities and are comfortable working internationally. Strike up a conversation to find out more about how we can help you navigate the challenges of business aviation.